“St Mel’s College was a superb experience for me, from an academic, social and sporting perspective. A period of my youth that will stay with me forever.”
Padraic Davis (Longford GAA)
“My memories of my five years in St. Mel’s are entirely happy. The simplest thing I can say about it is that I don’t ever recall any of my class mates whom I have met since saying a negative word about their time there.”
Mark Connellan (State Solicitor)
“I had some of my most enjoyable times going to St. Mel’s and playing football there. I made some great friendships with students and teachers. I’m always proud to say I went to school in St. Mel’s. ”
Michael Quinn (Longford Senior County Player)
“St Mel’s is great for Sports, I think that the football training is a great way to spend your lunch break. I love Woodwork, the teacher is very helpful and makes everything seem so easy. I find all of the teachers very good and helpful in St Mel’s College.”
Ronan Moffett (1st year Student ’13)
“I enjoyed my time in St Mel’s. The teachers were good and I made great friends. I recommend doing Transition Year as it’s great fun and you get to do many interesting activities.”
Michael Corkery (Class of 2012, received 615 points)
“After having had the privilege to spend five very fruitful and enjoyable years in St. Mel’s myself, leaving in 1982. I was delighted to be in a position to enrol my twin sons Gerard and Niall some 30 years later in 2012. For me it is very comforting to know that they will receive the same excellent tuition and be able to avail of the same and now better academic and sporting facilities. I base this on my own experience and on reviewing the marvellous results over many years as the school continues to pursue excellence.”
Declan Flynn (Past pupil and parent)
“I genuinely couldn’t ask for any more from my time in the college. During my five years I learned a lot from all the staff, who were always there to give a helping hand in whatever way possible whenever it was needed. I also played some of the most enjoyable football I’ve ever played and trained under fantastic managers. Most importantly I really had a great time in the college and met people who are my best friends today”
Andrew Dalton, Class of 2012
“As a proud past pupil of St. Mel’s College I was taught not just about poetry, prose and Pie Charts, but about perseverance, passion and persistence coupled with a strong identity, fantastic memories and friends for life.”
Enda Flynn (Flynn and Lynch)
“I attended St. Mel’s College from 1959 to 1964 and I can honestly say that most of my success in life was due to the broad basic education, training and direction that I received in the College during these vital, formative years. I was well aware of the previous successes of the school in the Football sphere, but I could not have anticipated that the school would win four Leinster Senior titles, two All- Ireland titles and play in a further two All Ireland finals during my five years there. Despite the emphasis on participation in sport, the pupils also managed to get excellent results in the educational field, while the moral, ethical and cultural training were of a quality that stood to me all my life. I have no hesitation in recommending St. Mel’s College as a school that will produce young men of excellent character, well-rounded disposition and a quality of learning that will stand to them for life. Coláiste Naomh Mel abú.!”
William (Liam ) Mulvihill, Former GAA President
“I had some of my most enjoyable times going to St. Mel’s and playing football there. I made some great friendships with students and teachers. I’m always proud to say I went to school in St. Mel’s.”
Michael Quinn (Longford Senior County Player)
“Attending St. Mel’s was a memorable experience – a fine balance between academic and sporting achievements graduated a well-balanced student for 3rd level education.”
Enda Fitzpatrick (Athletics Coach Dublin City University)
“I look back on my time in St Mel’s College with great affection. The education I received gave me a solid base on which to pursue my chosen career of broadcast journalism. The friends that I made in St Mel’s are still a major part of my life over 20 years later. I am proud to say that I am a past pupil of the college and I will always be grateful for the efforts of the teachers and staff that I dealt with along the way.”
Fintan Duffy 2FM
“I believe my time in St Mel’s gave me a fabulous education foundation that facilitated what I did later in life. In particular I benefited from the attitude to and lessons learned from sport. It is all about what you are prepared to put into it, effort wins out and anything (almost) is possible if you are willing to put in the hard work. Don’t blame others just get on and do it yourself as no body owes you anything. My memories are extremely positive and this was further enhanced last month at the reception in the College for some of the All Ireland winning teams when so many fabulous memories were re-jogged.”
Tom Mulvihill, Class of ‘64
“Having completed my Junior Cert elsewhere, I moved to St Mel’s for my last two years and focused on science and maths subjects. The school had several excellent teachers and I learned a great deal about Physics, Chemistry and Maths. These served me well in my successive university studies in maths at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Cambridge.”
David Conlon (Mathematician)
“Having spent 30 years of my life in St. Mel’s as student ,teacher and now Principal I have enjoyed every minute of it and recommend the experience to all young boys in our catchment”
Declan Rowley (student, Teacher and Principal 1976 – present)
“I had a great time in Mel’s. I made a lot of friends that still are my friends and I learned loads. I’m now studying Film & TV Production in the National Film School.”
Noel Murphy, Class of 2012
“Conor enjoyed his second level education at St Mel’s College and we are very proud of his full attendance record between 2007 and 2012. Conor achieved 540 points in his leaving cert and is now studying a higher science degree at Trinity College Dublin. His time at St Mels was a very positive influence on Conor’s overall attitude to work and Study he also enjoyed being on the basketball team. Raymond Raleigh is at present preparing for his junior cert at St Mel’s and we and he are happy in St Mel’s and he is also doing well.”
Joe Raleigh, Parent
“I spent 6 years in St. Mel’s College and they were some of the best years of my life. I have so many positive memories both academic and sporting. I made so many friends there. St. Mel’s College provided me with the perfect foundation to leap forward into 3rd level education.”
Michael Lee
“My memories of my time there were some of the best in my life. I received a first class education there. I spent most of my time after school running around senior field or on the Ballinalee Road. While I was not a boarder, I was able to attend study hall in the evenings. It made a difference. My teachers and priests at the time mentored me and guided my running career and I am still close to some of them today.”
Ray Flynn, Class of ‘74.
“There¹s an old saying that an education isn¹t much use unless you are also given the knowledge of what to do with it. That has always been the glory of St Mel¹s College: the promotion of a value system which extended far beyond the classroom walls. Most of us don’t realise the importance of our school until we have moved on so the day I left, armed with the invincibility of youth and the excitement of the unknown, I foolishly thought I would never look back. The truth, however, is that I never stopped looking back. And it’s not because of the friends I made, or the memories I took with me, or the things I learned, or the traditions I soaked up, or the dreams I had, or the lessons in life I was taught . . . No, it must surely be all of those things, and more besides, that have stayed with me. St Mel’s has always worn its great traditions lightly, developing and educating in equal measure and with the minimum of fuss. It was never one for the grand gesture, and it never will be.”
John Greene, Sports Editor: Sunday Independent.
“I received a first-class education from the dedicated teachers in St. Mels college, which equipped me with the skills, knowledge and understanding for adult life, higher education and future employment.”
Ciaran MacAnBhaird, DCU